Not the prettiest of code snippets but works for me. Before I put my emacs dot file on github, I was sharing snippets of it to people in the office. Unfortunately it was full of random configs of half played with packages, configs with odd “quirks” or just plain personal data.

So i went down the path of splitting my files up and breaking them into the following:

  • .emacs (ready to share publically).
  • private_dot_emacs.el (usually config that is specific to my personal setup).
  • unstable_config_dot_emacs.el (packages I’m playing with but config is not quite right yet).
  • work_specific_dot_emacs.el (heavily work specific configs that don’t need to be made public).

The snippet below is at the bottom of my main .emacs file, with the beauty that it wont blow up if you don’t have these additional files present.

;; ========================
;; Load extra dot files (if they exist)
;; ========================
(let () (dolist (dot_emacs '("~/configs/emacs/private_dot_emacs.el"
          "Loading my extra emacs dot files if they exist."
          (when (file-exists-p dot_emacs)
            (message (concat "Loading external dot file: " dot_emacs))
            (load-file dot_emacs))))

Give me a shout if you have something similar or better. I’d be interested in neatening up my hacked together elisp.